An Inside Look at all things 3D Travel

From the viewpoint of owner, Carol-Beth Scott

Who is 3D Travel? Denise Stufflebeam

Denise Who is 3D Travel? Denise Stufflebeam

 Hard working. Driven to care for her clients. Tenacious. Adventurous. Upright. Hopeful. Perfectionist. 
Denise epitomizes the values of 3D Travel. And she may have possibly saved my life. Don't believe me? Keep reading. 

Before Denise was a member of the 3D Travel Team, she was one of the hundreds of families who participated in our annual trip for homeschool families - The Ultimate Field Trip. As she transitioned from client to friend, I let her in on the truth. I was drowning in the rapid success of my company and I knew I needed help. "Back in the day" Denise had managed a travel agency and while she knew it was a whole new world, she volunteered to give it a try. Poor girl spent a day at my house while I trained her in fast forward. I'll never forget her look of absolute overwhelm. She should have run at that point! But she didn't. To her credit, she kept watching and waiting. 

Waiting, because I was too scared to let go until I ended up in the hospital. Even if I wouldn't listen to all the warning signs of stress, my body was making it clear in no uncertain terms - I needed help. And who was ready to help me? Denise. Denise Stufflebeam. 

Denise has been holding on for the 3D Travel/CB ride since 2007. She's helped build 3D Travel, patiently waited for some of my crazy ideas to settle down and walked through the transitions as we've become a bigger and more structured company. Each chapter has been so special and one of the very best was Chapter 2. If Chapter 1 is me alone in the world, Chapter 2 is when the Fabulous 5 of us - Me, Char, Amy, Kim & Denise + our 2 supportive men - Brady & David, were taking over the world. I know like me, Denise misses Chapter 2 from time to time, but just like you wonder if you could possibly love the next child as much as you love the ones you already have, our love has grown to include more and more of our team members. We can't imagine life without them.  And I'm positive none of them could imagine 3D without Denise. 

Who is Denise Stufflebeam? 

Denise is a devoted daughter, wife and mother. She pours all of herself into everything she does - so much so, she might lose sight of something else and play catch-up from time-to-time. Denise's attention to detail, combined with her perfectionism and tenacity (like a bulldog!) means her clients have incomparable service. I'm positive people have no idea how many hours Denise spends on minute details of their bookings and itinerary. 

We used to send very detailed final papers to each client, back in the days of snail mail. Everything is pretty much digital now, but back then we had no parameters on how much our agents could send to be printed & shipped out. When Denise's papers passed the 1 lb. mark, we had to have an intervention! But this is who she is. She doesn't want anyone to go without anything they may possible need. Not ever. Not on her watch.

You might think all this attention to work detail would make Denise an elusive person when it comes to relationships, but you'd be wrong. In fact, despite the fact we have 40+ family members in our area and a myriad of friends who surround us, Denise is the only person outside our immediate family of 6 who has made my children's activities a priority. She made my Hannah and Noah feel so loved, they created a giant foam finger for her and presented it to her after one of their many musicals. She's brought it in to even more shows. This alone shows you the precious heart and sweet spirit of my dear friend, Denise. 

Stay tuned for more snapshots of the 3D Travel Team!
Every day I wake up Thankful, Grateful & Blessed More Than I Deserve, because of the people God has brought to me.  
I'll introduce you. 

Why We Don't Sell Airfare
How Joshua Prayed His Way to Italy
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