Travel with Heart


​Why trust your trip to a faulty website when you could have someone who cares book a trip customized just for you?

Just like Wedding planners help make a once-in-a-lifetime day special, 3D Travel Agents help make once-in-a-lifetime trips special! 

- 3D Travel

​Sometimes people don't realize what they're missing when they choose to book with an online bulk travel agency.  It seems like every day we are explaining what we do, how we get paid and even why we would work so hard?

I'll tell you why!

What We Do

Our work begins before we even know if we'll receive any payment, and we often don't!  Every time someone asks for pricing but doesn't book, they got our services for free. Still, 3D Travel Agents work long hours to make sure the exact right trip is chosen for each family who trusts us to book them.  Once the decision has been made and a deposit is down, the real fun begins! Dining, entertainment, plans and dreams all start rolling by at a rapid pace, but nothing phases a 3D Travel Agent.  You see, they never walk alone.  We have a team of experts who constantly interact, mentor, train and polish each other daily.  That process makes for a tremendously capable advocate for each step of the booking, planning and payment process. 

How We Get Paid

Once a client travels, the vendor pays us a small commission for guiding you to book with them.  We only charge fees when someone wants us to help them with a trip they can't book through us - like a convention or sporting event.  You see, many of our clients know the value we bring to the table - the loving care we put into planning - and they choose to pay a fee so they can still have the services of their favorite 3D Travel Agent.  

Why Do We Work SO Hard?

We work so hard, not because the pay is big.  It's not.  By the time you book enough to make a good living, you need to hire an assistant!  But, that's not why we do it.  We do it because we love it.  Just like Wedding planners help make a once-in-a-lifetime day special, 3D Travel Agents help make once-in-a-lifetime trips special!  The truth is, we do it because we care.  And no online search engine cares about your trip, but we do!

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